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November 2005


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Some of my readership have commented that I am in the “sickening throws ” of a new thing and it its more than apparent with those feelings of bliss flooding these very pages. To you who have witnessed this I apologise for the soppy threads coursing through me. I just cant help it. I’m always honest & open on this blog so this is what you getting. As twinklydave said Matt will be grumbling bout xmas very soon so for the opposite stream you could always go on over there.

Poker was good tonight – I won 2 1/2 times my initial investment. Not bad going in my books at all. The day today was long and busy. Was down at Ministry, was there yesterday and am there tomorrow again. All good. Am off to see the new Harry Potter movie tomorrow eve with Princess. Lets see if it will be any good!!!

cassius platipus

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Had Cassie’s party last night and I got really mashed. Was not a good mashed either. It was a difficult one as I found it hard to just enjoy the party. Feel like absolute pants right now. Need to sleep and eat.

Need to re-educate myself in music

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What a fabulous night – I picked the princess up at Knightsbridge and we rolled round the corner to Wagamamas where she ate the below dish. It was a prawn curry type thing. Not my taste but she liked it. I had a noodly type affair. Then we went to see a play whom her friend was directing and I was actually very impressed for such a low budget production. The play was the infamous “An Inspector Calls”. It was a really nice night and she is generally lovely in every possible way.

I have been realising over the past month or so that I really need to re-educate my self in music. Over 90% of my music collection is dance based. I am now working on this.


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Ok so was supposed to have the date with Princess Jasmine but it was tooo cold so we came back to mine and wathced a movie. So We haven’t had our first date yet but we have had 3 sort of predate meetings. – I’m a very happy happy man. She’s lovely. Thanks to all who helped in the video.

It’s aaaaall good!

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I just had one of the best days I’ve had in a good while. You know the way when you’re in a good mood and you get a great tune in your head that you end up singing, humming and whistling to yourself all evening. Well today it was “I Feel Good” by James Brown………YYYYEEEEOOOOWWW!! This is all thanks to a wonderful afternoon with a princess.

Had a good poker night too. Everyone was playing well although I did make a couple of really stupid mistakes. I possibly could have one the game but I gave it up to Bob near the end by going all in with £6 on a £2 a head game. Oh well. Was a great game though!!!

winter beauty

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click the thumbs:

Had quite a nice day today. I got up at around 8.30am after a crappie nights sleep. I had a lovely long shower the sorted out some laundry. Started researching CSS and found a few really good sites with good tutorials.



Then I went round to my brothers. On the way over there I passed through Llamas Park and it was beautiful. I had my camera on me so I took the above pics. Tom and I then went up to Ealing. We strolled around a bit, popped in to say hello to Bob and then he bought me some dinner. We played a few games of pool then he dropped me home. – Nice.

Lazin on a sunny afternoon….

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Ok not lazin at all really. I put in a few hours on the mediachill site. I hadn’t done the production page yet and I wanted to get it sorted. I also developed a client login page. Very simple javascript based but it works and looks good. I rreally have to source soem more work. I need to get some cash flow going otherwise I might find myself living on baked beans. I’m gonna finish developing the site tomorrow and will be sorting other stuff with my brother. Then we can really start to market mediachill.

Went to my parents for dinner this eve which was nice. Had a good old chat with them. They bought themselves a freeview box. Although my dad was very happy with himself I did have to show them how to use it. I walked all the way over to Acton and it wasn’t too bad. I had my yunes plain on the phone so had a beat to match. It only took 35 mins. I am really missing the ped now. I havn’t heard anything from the police. It troubles me so. Hopefully will be purchasing a replacment this week or next weekend. We will see. I’m feelin a bit fed up today. The ped gone, not much work on, waiting for cash to come in…’s a bit pants really. This week is gonna be good at least. Gots me some tings to look forward to….


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Just back home – it’s 715pm and MY GOOD GOD its cold!!! It’s just seemed to have happened this week. Anyway – am tired so that’s it for now.

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Where has all the time gone today – had a load of things I was planning to do and it’s now almost 5:30. Oh well! – Gonna plonk myself in front of the telly tonight. Have a beer and watch some DVD’s.


Right just been playing with the features on the server and I now have my own new feedback page – go on – try it out.

overhaul needed

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Right I need a complete overhaul in this site – the plan is to create a new design concept for the whole thing and learn PHP. That way All my entries will be searchable and sortable, I’ll also be able to use my own comments page instead of the crappie baseportal one which is…..pants really. The redesign is needed as I wanna add scrobbler rss feeds and the like and basically get the whole site to be more advanced all the while improving my web skills. Nick called me today offering me some web work but it was php based so had to turn it down – I’m not in a position where i can do that. Need as much work as I can get my paws on.

Flash would also be nice to learn – would be nice to have my portfolio as a flash site.


Oh man I am tired – Got up at 8am this morning so didn’t get much sleep at all – feel wrecked now.

really should get up in the morning…..

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I really should you know. You see it’s one of the benefits of being freelance is there are days midweek when there’s nothing on and I end up going to bed at a ridiculously late hour for no reason. – Last night I went to bed at 4am and got up today at 11:30. My body clock is shot too. I dont do the eat in the morning then around 1 to 2ish for lunch and so on- I just eat when I’m hungry. – What was my point? – As I said body clock is shot so brain feels a bit broken.


I think I’ll do a bit of a tidyup today. The World War III look in my room is getting a bit rinsed.

eBay sogay – eBay not sogay

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So I jumped the gun a lil on the eBay thing. The new listing is sorted so hopefully I’ll actually sell it this time round.

On another brighter note – Cheating the system can prove to be beneficial! In this case cheating a website for getting touch with people. Anyway – I’m a happy boy now!!! Unless of course the lass in question just clicked the link for my blog in which case cheating was futile.

Oh almost forgot – The showreel client was really happy with the reel – His agent has suggested some changes but overall he loved it – I am an editing GOD!!! – well no if I was an editing GOD then I’d probably have alot more clients and be working on stuff better than showreels.

So generally today has turned out to be a rather bloody good day. – Wohoo!


eBay sogay

I am not a happy boy! The bike did not sell and no wonder!!! It was only showing in the listings if you did a search using words in the description. So all the folk browsing through the categories never saw it. I’ve relisted it again and the same thing is happening. – I’ve emailed them lot at eBay and had a good moan so they’d better sot it otherwise I’ll have to go and hit them with a big stick like thing. grrrrrr

I cant think of any witty titles for this today

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Now that was a nice relaxing day. I woke up about 1 in the afternoon – was a late one trying to finish the showreel. I put the stuff for my client up on the website and emailed him so he can have a looksy. As I was finishing up there was a knock on the door. Wohoo, Jimmer and Veri had ridden up from Kingston so had a brew with them and a chat and that. They left and I came back up stairs to check on how/if my bike was selling on ebay. AAAARRRGH! It’s not budging. It’s in it’s last 24 hours so hopefully it will sell. I’m asking for a very low price so a bargain is there waiting for someone to grab it. Next I was looking for mopeds. I’ve found a wicked lil gem in east London so if the bike does sell I’ll go for it. It’s not a vespa or a lambretta but its equally as cool. – Gotta have the cool factor – Na meen!

At this point my stomach was beginning to complain at it’s emptiness so off to the co-op i went (the should really be called the “co-s**te”). While in there ma bro belled me saying he was outside my front door so I told hime to meet me at the shop and he did Got back to mine and I cooked us a lil Spag Bol – yummy!!! We watched some crap TV then saw that “Raiders of the Lost Ark” was on. Now that is such a great movie. The we watched Top Gear. Tom and I both love the show but mostly for unobvious reasons. It’s the tech reasons. I love the way it’s cut, the colour correction used and all that stuff that I deal with. Anyway – Tommy boyo f**ked off home and I watched more mind numbing Sunday viewing. It’s amazing when you have sky or cable how with the hundreds of available channels there are times where there seems to be absolutely bugger all on.

A nice chilled out Sunday. Tomorrow? Look for some projects to get involved in and do some invoicing – people owe me money and I want it now!!!


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I took Sir Fergus for a walk down to Gunnersbury Park Yesterday afternoon and its was soooo windy. I love really strong Wind. It can be so invigorating. Back in Dublin we lived about a 15 min walk from the beach and it was fantastic going for walks on stormy days with the spray from the crashing waves to the sound of the sea and the strong winds. I miss that alot. I love the sea.

I’m working some more on this showreel at the moment and my system is complaining. I dont like it when it complains. It’s being silly, maybe i should take the PC for a walk, it seems to cheer Fergus up alot. Oh but then the pc is not a dog – oh right – I forgot about that small detail.