The inevitable anti climax has hit home….
Had a really great New Year. Christmas was rubbish! – Christmas was rubbish mainly cause I was so busy. I worked on Xmas eve and on boxing day when I should have been chilling out with the Princess! I got the day after Boxing day sort of – well we had our second xmas with all our friends in the flat here for dinner and it was really good. The food was excellent and the company was fab and cause I was going away the following da I jus couldn’t work. I chilled for a bit in the eve with Jasmine but not enough.
That eve I went off down to Jimmer’s, got about 30mins sleep when we were woken by alarm clocks aplenty to get us up for our flight to Prague. Yes New Years Eve in the Czech Republic was on course. After 12 hours of travel we arrived in the town of Frydek Mistek in the very east of the country. On our way we couldn’t help but notice the vast amounts of snow. We were then faced with the worst snow the country had seen in over 10 years. – Just in time for uis to go to the small cabin in the mountains where we were to celebrate the new year… So after the Cabbie dropped us up there we had to push him some of the way up the hill cause the snow was soo bad and we were on a road that required snow chains and no…he didn’t have any. So after that we hiked up to the cabin through snow that was waist deep in places and just plain silly. Anyway – we got there and it was grand – Vodka flowed like river from a lake and we got totally pissed despite having to wear every item of clothing (which at one point included 5 pairs of socks, 1 pair of track suit bottoms, 1 pair of jeans, 1 pair combats, 2 thermal shirts, 3 t-shirts, 1 sweater, 1 fleece top, 2 scarves and 2 hats.) because it was only -14 degrees C. It was really ace. If you click the snowy pic above it will bring you to the gallery.
Just trying to recover now. Still feelin the cabin fever but it should pass in a day or two so If I’m keepin a low profile this is why. Anyway – it’s all good!!