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May 2006


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Looks like summer is coming! Today the rain sorta stopped and although I am again stuck in doors due to my on-going procrastination It’s still nice to see some half decent weather!!

I’m going to sort all my s**t out over the next few weeks. Generate some more work and really get things cooking. As I’ve been suggesting, less talking more doing. If I want something I gotta go get it and all the s**t that stands in my way can go and f*ck off as far as I’m concerned.


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So on reading through my posts I have realised I have totally failed at almost all of my new years resolutions. The biggest and most important one to me is the positivity one. Yes I said I was gonna have a more positive outlook on life and try and be always more positive. Today I was having a s**ter of a day. I went out for a walk at about 7:30 this eve with my camera and found myself strolling through the cemetery. Then I got stopped by the police who were wondering what I was doing taking photos of graves. Of course I was actually taking pics of the flowers and headstones. The point being – this made me chuckle which in turn transformed my day.


Anyway the outcome is a new resolve to be a more positive. Sure things are going a lil against the grain but I got to where I am through perseverance. Why give up now. Jus a lil further and things will come together. I intend to proove that the nice guy doesn’t always come last.


Ok so now I’ve just re-read the above and I see that I am coming across as a complete idiot! Yes I am an idiot! But hey Idiots make the world a more interesting place!

What a moody Prat

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EDIT: Changes made but this is still pants! At least its brighter!


Another of my good friends have pointed out how negative and dark this blog has become in both content and design. I promise I will be sorting this out!

I hate it I tell thee….

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I’ve been realising over the past few days that I really hate this design I gots going on at the moment. Its really dark and shady and makes me look like a manic depressive psycho! When I get the time I shall redesign a brighter more welcoming interface.


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So last night I had a date and it was fantastic. I met the lovely lady on the tinterweb through a dating site. Yes Marky gone and done it again! She’s a really nice girl and I hope to see her again. My financial situation makes this difficult but I gotta follow up on a few things to gets me some dinero in!

Work is going…. that’s all, its jus going, not feeling particularly motivated but we gotta get it done by the end of the weekend so its all cut out for us.


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I hate spammers. Does’nt everyone! On average I receive 20 spam emails a day and while my antivirus software picks up most of it it’s still a pain in the rear! No I dont want Viagra, Stock quotes or advice, mortgage deals, logo design, cut-price medicatin or anything at all!

More recently i have some t****r form Ukraine spamming my comments board. His details are as follows:

Name: Vsevolod Stetsinsky

phone: +38 050 6226676


Please call him or email him something pointless.


His hosting company is: but this looks to be a reseller so their details are:











NetCat Host



2007 Clarence St

NSW 2000 Sydney





Administrative contact:

Technical contact:

Billing contact:

created by JORE-1:

2002-12-27 05:22:05

modified by JORE-1:

2005-12-28 13:00:38


2006-05-10 20:45:52


2006-12-26 23:21:45


Their details are:











NetcatHosting Inc.



IBC Tower Floor 9 PO Box 55-2484
Manuel Espinosa Batista Avenue


2484 Panama City





Administrative contact:

Technical contact:

Billing contact:

created by JORE-1:

2002-03-11 23:06:31

modified by JORE-1:

2006-02-10 11:42:48


2006-05-10 20:51:50


2007-03-11 17:06:17


This is where my trail ran dry! – Me thinks summat is aloof!

No Speed Dating for me!!!

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ok I’m now really pissed off! – I am thoroughly just sick of this career! Been rendering all this week and the video still needs tweaks. I keep on missing clips and glitches and its really annoying me now. It’s taking about 3 – 5 hours per track and I cant do anything in between. I still have to design the DVD interface although I do now have a clear ideas as to what its gonna look like.

Anyway because its taking so long I’ve had to cancel speed dating tonight. I was looking forward to it just for the aspect of getting out of the house for a while. I’m just really sick of my financial situation preventing me from doing anything. I am sick of being broke. Once this project is done I’m down the agencies to get some work. I need cash flow. No more “mates rates”. This job we are on has been a mates rates job and I’m just thinking it aint worth it! For what I’ll be getting for it! I like the work but the rates suck! Doesn’t really help not having the option to choose other projects. I just need some really good full rates projects so I can sort my s**t out! GRRRRRRRR! lovliness

Pixilation & being an idiot

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2 things annoy me today!

1).the website is pants! I was intending to upload all my personal videos to that site as its free and unlimited but I’ve found its major flaw. The reason its free is that it re-encodes all vids to flash video but it does a s**tty job at it. I looked at my vids on there and they look pants – they’re all pixilated and the sound is all tinny! – I am not impressed!

2). I’m an idiot! Jus realised I forgot one of the links on the nav above – The Gallery link is nowhere to be seen!

Demeaning Beans

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This is what my meals have resorted to! I am now officially so broke that I am eating beans on toast! Although a very tasty delight which I aint had since my Uni days it is still quite demeaning that it has come to this! Ok so I can argue that its Heinz beans, A good loaf of bread and only the best butter: Kerry Gold, but it’s still a cheapskate meal. How am I supposed to face these women at speed dating this week knowing that I am in total poverty! Hello! I’m broke stressed out, have a cold sore and haven’t feel very confident about myself over the last few months, How are you? – Oh yes – I’m a catch! Mind you if any woman was to see through all that she’d be worth her weight in gold

yummy – these beans on toast are actually very very tasty!

On another note have some pure genius!:
