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The meaning of “meh”

By 31 Jul ’06No Comments

A weekend of niceness was had this weekend. I avoided doing as much work as possible and only ended up doing a few things that needed to be done. I did waste several hours on the development of this site though. GEEKY BIT: I’m trying to figure out an easier way of using this site. Upuntill now I’ve always manually updated the site using frontpage to add entries and so on. What I wanna do is incorporate a blog database stylee thingamajig. It will also mean i will be able to update the site from anywhere in the world without needing frontpage or dreamweaver or other such applications to sort this out innit!

On sat eve I went up to Walpole park and met some friends at The Jazz festival – Nice! We all went back to a friends house and drank some more but i think the mood died a lil bit so it didn’t last long. Eventually JP and I strolled back to ours and had a bit o a chin wag.

Sunday morning I went round to my Bro’s place to tidy up his flat for him and welcome him home from his travels. The afternoon was spent in front of the telly where i promptly fell asleep for a bit, then dinner then more telly viewing was done. And that’s bout it really.


Author Mark

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