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Big up the NASA posse!

By 14 Sep ’06No Comments

Well what’s been happening over the last few days…


This morning I got an email from a girl who works for Nasa – She was looking at some of my videos last night and mailed me about em – It jus goes to show the power of the Web. I have people at Nasa watching my videos- I RULE!!! lol


I had Monday and tuesday off this week so I went up to Glasgow to See Sandra and her family – It was ace! I got up there and we went to pick up the girls from school. There is nothing more heart melting than 2 lil girls running to you with their arms outstretched shouting “Uncle MAAAAARK” in their lil Glaswegian accents! They really are so gorgeous! Later while my sis did motherly stuff like ironing and cooking I played with the 4 kids in the garden. I now have the firm understanding of kiddies psychology in the way that you can keep em all happy and make em do stuff for u by turning everything into a game.

Later on I had dinner with Sandra & Peter and we watched a movie. The following day I Brought Sarah and Rebekah to school in the morning and Me Sandra and the wee ones Peter and Lucy went into town and had a coffee , well proverbially as it was tea and a cake but u know what i mean!


I left Sandra off to get her train back home and I went and got my train. It connected at Preston so I got off there and took a look around at my old Uni town. I strolled up the high street and went and saw my old flat which is now a swanky bar/restaurant and what was once my bedroom is the men’s loo – People now pee where I once slept – how hardcore is that! lol


After this I jumped on the train and came back to Manchester but on the way back i had to dish out a bit of a “shut the f*#k up” to a bloke who was being a nuisance and annoying some girls behind me – he got all abusive and so i stepped in. I got back here and made my way to the hotel. This new hotel I’m in is not as nice as the last one but the room is soooo much bigger!


Also this week I’ve had 2 blast from the past people get in touch with me! Firstly it was Laura from school which was nuts! Thank you Myspace and the Dre from Iowa emailed me too which was another biggie! See – The interweb is a bloody fantastic thing!


Anyway – that’s all for now – I need to do some invoices and think of ways to entertain myself for the rest of the day!!


Author Mark

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