I’ve been having a bit of a designers block. I have been trying to come up with designs and concepts for a website but nothing has been coming to mind, Where normally i have quite a clear idea on what i want to produce, this time round its just all very erratic. I cant seem to focus on it at all. Also I am beginning top strain my resources financially. I need to get more work in. I have a meeting next week with a new client which will be web and possibly showreel based work. Its an agency so it has potential. The problem is, is that there have been lots of things with potential that have bore no fruit so hopefully this will be good!
Back in Sept I was up in Manchester working on “The Price is Right” this is now airing on ITV in the eve’s ay around 5. It’s amusing watching the people on the show again.
Tomorrow am supposed to be going out in town with John Paul and some of his work mates for a Dance Off! I dunno much about it or how official the thing is but I have been told my stupid dancing stylee should score some big points. Be Warned!