This is getting flippin rediculous! I’ve been having bad nose bleeds sinc tuesday night! Been to A&E 3 times in 24 hours and they cant do anything. Grrr!I got a bit of a cold on Sunday. The nose bleeding started perfusley on Tuesday and just has not let up. I went to A7E on Wed eve at about 9:30 beuause it had benn on and off ALL day and it stopped when i got there so nowt they could do. Then I woke up at about 1:30am in a pool of my own blood! That was freaky. I couldnt stop the bleedso at3 am i rang Ruth and she helped me get down to A&E but again it stopped.
Got out of there by about 7:30am got home wnet to bed woke up and bang! started again. On and off all day again so decided to go to Northwichk park to see a specialist nose and ear doc. When we got there it had stopped again. Nothing they could do. Got back home and BANG! strated again! Managed to stop that one and got a good nights sleep but went to go get a drink and it started again this afternioon!
Was supposed to be going down to Devon to see Ruth’s folks! Shiiiizat