So here i am in Waterloo trainstation at 3:07am. Later this morning the last eurostar train will leave waterloo as from today onwards it will be operating out of St.Pancreas station. Why am i here? Well i am baby sitting a video wall for the morning, well untill about 7am when the others return. I was given the unenviabke task of staying here all night. Oh the joy. Thankfully Willis left his laptop here for me to play about on to keep me from suicide.
Its been along time since i did any videowall work. infact the last one was in Manchester last september of last year. It was a couple of weeks after that when i did the Alpha course and i met Ruth. Its a year. Thats quite amazing. I have now known ruth for a year and I will be marrying her which is the coolest thing ever.
In the past i thought i knew what love was. Really. I’ve had relationshipsthat i considered having a future with. I had thought of marrige before but i feel like an idiot when i remember the mindset i was in then. The thing with ruth is that she loves me completely. She knows that i’m an arrogant idiot sometimes. That i’m proud. I’m pigheaded, I’m lazy and my career prospects dont loook great and yet she loves me inspite of these things. In fact she goes one further and she loves those things anyway. To love someone so completely that you love them warts and all is such an amazing thing. It is truly awe inspiring. I feel like such a lucky git! I AM a lucky GIT.
I thank God sincerly for this. Without him life sucked. Now it RAWKS! If you dont know him you should say hello – he’s really quite cool you know.