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Busy and dat – again.

By 14 Apr ’08No Comments

I was quite fearful of starting a full time position back in Jan. I was thinking it would be too much but its cool. While i am very very busy and rarely have time to procrastinate it means my mind is being used properly now. I am getting an enormous amount of job satisfaction although i is eating into my personal time somewhat.

When i think about meeting friends after work i am almost instantly put off. Not cause they are boring retards – wll, maybe some of em, but no its cause i am always so tired when i get back from work. Maybe it’s cause of the hour commute each way, i dunno but it tends to rule out weekday meetings but then that makes weekends pressured to fit everyone in.

Wowhow life has changed! – Ruth had an idea the other day to do with my repeditive illnesses. Seeing as i am out and about and n longer living like a hermit as i was when i was a freelancer, maybe i am exposing myslef to more germs.

I finally went and signed up with a GP. This morning for the first time in over 10 years i saw the quakc.-  and it didnt hurt all that much either.


Author Mark

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