My wife really is amazing! I love her alot but thi week I am especially impressed. In the last week she has faced two of her biggest fears.
1). Un-Scripted Preaching. She was due to preech on Sunday but it was to be slightly diffret. usually she would script her sermons word for word and rarley would she wander far from those exact words. Last week she only wrote notes for her sermon. The result was the best sermon she has ever done. I was so proud of her and everyone was really impressed.
2). Rth has had an unrealistic fear of driving. While we hve been hunting for Cars this fear has been pooping its lil head up and around through out the process but on Monday she drove all the way from Welwyn Garden City. Now it may seem trivial but this really was a very bif.g deal for her an I think she is fantastically amazing for doing this.
Yay Wifey – check her blog here.