Yesterday i attended Naught Boy’s Driving School aka a speed awareness course. I was caught by a camera doing 38 in a 40 zone. I thought it wasa 40 zone and i remember seeing he van parked up. It doesn’t matter as i was an idiot not realising it was a 30zone in the first place.
As a result i am now NOT the stig but a safer driver. The course was informative and fair. Some of the people on it were determined to prove their innocence notably a woman driving an M5 BMW and a bloke who drove an Alpha Romeo Brera – no surprises thee then.
We had a 3 hour theory session in a board room with 2 guys giving the presentation and about 20 of us who had been speedsters. That part was painful. The presentation was great but arguing with them as to the definition of a cross-roads didnt help th mood. Yup it was Mrs. M5Driver.
The practical session was cool. We Had an Irish guy so off the bat it was a good tempered event. He observed our driving habits and commented on the bad bits then showed us how its done following it up with us applying his pointers.
All in all – it was quite good actually.