This lsat week has been quite a busy one. I feel a bit frayed and in need of a holiday. Ruth & I are planning a weeken away in May. We have got a church weekend away but that’s work for Ruth. We want a weekend to ourselves so we are gonna g down to Henley and stay in my folks caravan. After [intlink id=”1495″ type=”post”]helping dad put in the floor[/intlink] the other weekend i think its deserved that we stay there. We really are both in need of a Holiday. If anyone wants to give us an all expences paid holiday somewhere that would be ace!
So, what’s been happening this week?
BTP – On thurs and fri i was shooting with The British Transport Police. It was a grea shoot and it was facinating spending the two days in te company of coppers. They were a good fun bunch of guys to work with and we hd a good tim. The shhot itself was very strenuouse. we were all over teh place travelling to nad from various locations. Were were on the go constantly which was a major pressure but it went really well, i think it’ gonna b a really good programme. Have a pic of me doing some directing…
Weekend – Chilltastic. Becasue ofthe arduaous previous 2 days we took it really easy over the weekend. On Fridat eve we watched ‘American History X’ which ruth hadn’t seen before and then we were in bed by about 10:30. On sat morning i woke up at my usual time and realised that i’d left my electric blnket on all night. I was bunched up agaist wifey in attempt to get away from the scolding heat. I turned it off and went back to sleep and woke again at 12:30ish. Rut did some ‘wii fit’ and i faffed on the pooter.
We wnet out fo a walk on which we got cold and rained on so we turnedit into a drive. It was nice to be out of the house. In the eve we went and had dinner with some friends at church who had invited us that morning.
Sunday morning was spent creating graphics for the new notices at church. Well its a new layout for the notices anyway. It was also a time for me to teach ruth how to do some graphics.
Monday was monday – no real news there.
Funeral – Yesterday was Alan’s (Ruth’s unofficial Uncle – its complicated) funeral. It was actually a really nice service. I got to meet the other side or Ruth’s extended family. While i didnt know any of them – it as nice to meet them and hear some stories relating to my hot sexy wife’s life.
Ruth drove home which was ace.
I am tired and drained hence feeling close to the wire…
I’m also getting fed up with thi crappy keyboard that seems to miss keystrokes at its own will!
Fie keyboard Fie!