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cool stuff of the day

By 30 Apr ’09No Comments

This is cubcam in elephant poo. – Click the image for more – very cool


Blowing up stuff – THE MANLY WAY


Its bee a silly couple of weeks in that we are a bit run off our feet at work. We are working on a big proposal for a client and its all hands on deck. Stress levels are not really being kept in check.

In order to keep my sanity I have been looking at techy stuff inbetween bits and pieces. Please be warned I’m about t Geek out here for a moment.

I signed up to twitter a few months back in an attempt to figure out what it was about. It was only yeasterday when i downloaded Google Desktop andadded the Twitter gadget that i realised how one should use it.

Its all about how you use it. I was trying to undestand the concept of microblogging and just couldn’t get it.  You NEED a live interface to really get the benefits of it. Without a live interface you have to keep on opening up a browser , navigate to your page and then check it. With a ljve interfae you get the updates live andcan respond to the people you follwo live. – If youstill dt get it – i dont blame you – just try looking fo a tool that suits you.

The other cool thing has been the google desktop app. It’s actually quite a good tool as it ascts as a searchbar for both yur PC and the web and its right on the desktop or its hidden depending on how you set it up. I think its a very cool lil app.


Author Mark

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