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October 2009

Nick Griffin Remix

By I Laughed 2 Comments

This is hilarious!

I do struggle as a christian in how to re-act to people like this. I don’t want to just jump on the “hate” bandwagon. Don’t get me wrong – i think the guy is a complete idiot but as a Christian are we not called to love our enemies?

What should we do with people like this?


By Profound No Comments


The cold is returning, the hour change has occured, the sunlight has changed temperature and i can’t figure out when I need a coat and when I dont – Yep – She’s back and her big ugly sister will be following soon!

It is amazing how beautiful things are in autumn. The colours are always amazing.

Swept away

By Work One Comment

Under Wall Swept

Feel like I’m about to be swept away by the invisible force that is stress, frustration and sheer lack of motivation – a toxic c**ktail of non-work biased feelings that are growing and growing with each moment of this month.

Yes i said month.

It’s not like we have just been having a bad day in the office – it’s a bad month.

God I pray that you would help me though this as i feel i’m gonna crack

The Car – Before & After

By Rides, WooYaa No Comments

This is the Before shot


This is the After shot


The garage did a really great job. I was very glad to get our car back and to be rid of the “bone shaker“. It did make me realise how heavy a clutch our car has. I know its a 2ltr turbo diesel engine compared to a 1.1ltr petrol but the diff was incredible.

But the winning factor is the GRUNT that our car has over the other! She wins hands down!

helping big dave.

By Blog No Comments

Poor Big Dave broke and i helped him get back on the road. My wife Was called this eve by the hothersalls after they found the man in question stranded in the middle of acton. I went out to help. We pushed him round to the lovely marta’s and now we are sat outside having a good chat catching up and a generally good time as one can only have with big dave. His scooter is charging and we’ll soon have him on the road. This is what church is about and i’m loving it.

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