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Tattoo who?

By 5 Feb ’10No Comments

Photo 828the above arm is not my arm

I’ve been thinking loooong and hard about this for the past few years. I think i fall under that group of people who would love to have a tattoo but don’t know what to get. I now know what i want.

I had the idea about 2/3 years ago and the idea has remained well and truly stuck in my brain. Because of this I now know that this will not be a whimsical choice. I’ve just got to get the design itself nailed.

The Tattoo will be

EPHESIANS 6: 10 – 18

– click it to see what the verse says.

This verse has a loooong history for me. When i was a child we would have time in prayer as a family every morning. One of the things my Dad used to do was to read out this verse aloud in a drill sergeants manner and we would all follow along. I remember it being a massive amount of fun and we would all march along and giggle. It was great. Every day we were armed for the day!

This memory has always stayed with me. Now, as an adult, the importance of this message carries alot more weight with it. I am very aware of  how harsh a place the world can be. I love the idea that with this tattoo I would effectively always be wearing the Armour of God.


I’m thinking of on my forearm. I want it quite big but Ruth doesn’t so i need to gauge that well. I’m thinking about 4-5 inches long. This tatt is for me first. If others see it and it sparks a conversation about God then that’s a massive bonus.


At the moment i’m looking at really really simple blocky fonts. I love Helvetica and Insolent -really blocky. Maybe have some swirlys around it. Not to sure yet – sketches will start coming soon. I may talk to some artist/design friends for their input. What i love about the blocky fonts is that its so unlike most tatts that have flowing lines and curves and they follow bodily contours. This will really stand out. It will be great.


Author Mark

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