In an attempt to be more creative I’ve had an idea over the weekend.
I’ve been inspired to do a daily creative thingy by various diffrent websites. One site was encouraging its readership to just design something – anything, it could be a poem, a doodle on a napkin, a video, a photo, a tune…anything. Something that is very common is Photos. There are other sirtes out there that do a daily photo.
My problem is i get lazy and think this would be cool to do but think it would be too much oif a pain in the preverbial to keep going and besides i will forget in a day or so… pffffft, that attitude sucks!
So here’s the plan.
I’m gonna set up an alarm on my phone or rather diary appointments. I’ll set it to remind me to take a photo of something, with the phone, at a specidfied time. If i’m busy I’ll snooze it till later. Then i can email it direct to the site. Sounds good ya!
I’ll start with a week and see how i go, I don’t know how creative i’ll be and i’m not gonna pressure myself too much – its more of an experiment.
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