So I’ve had my new HTC desire for.2 and despite my dodge typing on the touch screen keyboard…well that’s just me really!!!
Best bits.
- Google integration – Seamless -All I had to do was enter my google account name and password and it did the rest.
- Gmail
- Contacts
- Calender
- Maps
- Twitter & Facebook clients that are usable.
- GPS Stuff
- Google Maps
- Google Turn by Turn navigation – proper Sat Nav yo!
- Android app store, It notifies you of UPDATES and there are various Games and Applications but notably:
- Layar
- Zombie Run
- Bump
- LogMeInIgnition
- DropBox
- Fring
- LastFM
- MyPlayer BBC iPlayer app)
- Photoshop Mobile
- PDA Net – tethering app
- WordPress
I have to say:
this thing is awesome!
Is it better than an iPhone? I would say yes it is and i don’t base that on my blatant disregard for the iPhone. Lets face it, The iPhone is one of the biggest innovations in technology in years but i do need to remind people of this post which was the SPV M700 which was a HTC device!
HTC have been doing the whole touch screen PDA handset for a lot longer than apple and as a result they do some of the groundwork alot better. This Desire is more customizable, its faster, its more versatile, it’s cheaper by a long way and I didn’t have to sell my soul in to a crappy new poorly priced iPhone only contract!
I’ve been blown away with this handset and what its capable of. Usually within a few days I’ve got a handset sussed but this has been overwhelming at times and I’m still not 100% clued up on all of its capabilities. There have been a few glitches;
- Alarm clocks.
- Start-up apps.
- Battery life
But these i’m looking in to and updates should sort them
The battery life is an issue but i was aware of that when i bought the phone.
All round – its incredible!
Posted from WordPress for Android on my HTC Desire!