So I wrote this email to Terry & Barbara to thank them for my time at Tandem and i decided I’d also send it to the rest of the team. I also thought it’d be a great blog post so here you go:
Thank you so much for the lovely email. Sorry I’ve left it till now to respond. As you can imagine, it’s a bit hectic here at the office with all the handover stuff. There has been loads to do but we’re on top of it all.
Thank you also for your kind words. It really means a lot. It has been a tremendous pleasure working at Tandem.. This new job is very much a step in trusting in God and hopefully doing more stuff to bring people in to the Kingdom which I’m really excited about.
I’d really like to say Thank you to you and Barbara. You have been so generous to me with all the pay rises and with your payers. I am sad to be leaving such a great company and team. I have really really REALLY enjoyed my time at Tandem.Some of the things i have done while I’ve been here:
- I’ve met some beautiful people (including yourselves),
- I’ve met some amazing people (including yourselves),
- I’ve met some fascinating people (including yourselves),
- I’ve met some incredibly dull people (NOT including yourselves),
- I’ve been stretched in all sorts of ways,
- I’ve learnt new skills,
- I’ve vastly improved my skills,
- I’ve drank around 3000 cups of tea (guestimate),
- I’ve grown in confidence,
- I’ve grown spiritually,
- I got married,
- I’ve been to some great places,
- I’ve seen some amazing things,
- I’ve found the best Kebab shop in Hemel Hempstead,
- I’ve grown creatively,
- I bought my first car,
- I’ve had loads of great experiences,
- I’ve made some films that I’ve been very proud of,
- I’ve had some looooong chats with people in this office,
- I made some new friends who I know will be in my life forever,
- I’ve learnt every inch of the M1 from unction1 to Junction 8,
- I’ve spent so so so many hours, sitting there waiting for hours and hours for that render bar to get to 100%,
- I’ve laughed lots,
- I’ve wanted to throw my monitor out the window (see 2 points previous),
- I’ve had the time to geek out on stuff,
- I’ve played with some great kit,
- I’ve wanted and desired some other bits of kit,
- I’ve hoped,
- I’ve wished,
- I’ve dreamed,
- above all – I’ve had a great time doing it all…..
I feel I have gained so much and I still see a very integrated future with Tandem. I will miss working here. I will miss the team. I’ll miss being involved with everything.
Thank you! Thank you so much. I will never be able to fully show you my gratitude for the opportunities I’ve had here. Thank you for being faithful. Thank you for modeling Jesus’ nature. Thank you for starting such a cool little company and thank you for trusting this small team to take over the reigns.
Thank you!
This is a beautifully crafted film.
My sausage casserole before it went in the oven! Most tasty! Sausages, sweet potatoes, parsnips and beans!
Sent from my phone so please excuse giant thumb induced typos.
If i enter a full 144 character title what happens when i get to the end of the available characters? I don’t know, I guess we’ll never know
At St. Mary’s this morning. My hot wife was preaching and had to sit in this “vip” chair!
Sent from my phone so please excuse giant thumb induced typos.