So this weekend has been a great and wonderful one. When i got home on Friday eve i was feeling really stressed out after a bit of a difficult week. I really needed to have some time to relax and recharge. That has been achieved to a degree. We are still in real need of a full break. We have not had a proper break this year for just the two of us. Hopefully we’ll get something soon.
All this has had me feeling a lil wound-up generally but it was a friend who said something today. We were talking about the documentary series that has featured on BBC2 Recently called “The Big Silence“. This series has been looking in to the effects of our busy lives and it encouraged the participants to bring some silence in to their lives. This equated to some dramatic positive effects. The conversation we had earlier was also suggestive of the same sentiment. We fill our lives up with so much noise that it becomes difficult to relax, to be quiet, to hear from God.
So, this is where i ma. I need to cut some stuff out. My life is so full of stuff that i dont need. Now, I love my news feeds. They are a constant source of really great information and inspiration but the problem is that it is constant.
It needs to stop.
We all need to stop…..
Stop and listen.