I’m doing a film for work and I was thinking of doing some of the GV’s in super slo-mo.
After seeing Oton Bačar’s amazing BMX Super slomo 1000fps & 2000 fps videos, where he converted the footage using After Effects and Twixtor (http://vimeo.com/17439665) I really wanted to see if I could find a workflow to suit the facilities I have.
I currently use an unhackable Panasonic GF1 so I cant shoot at 59.94fps. I’m stuck with AVCHD lite shooting at 25fps standard. I also don’t have access or budget to get After Effects or Twixtor but I do have Final Cut Studio.
I then saw Crumplepop’s video tutorial on how to do something similar using Apple Motion by converting footage shot with a Canon 60D from 59.94fps to 1000fps. (http://vimeo.com/18441588)
Using the same process but adjusting the figures a bit I managed to create this video.
I think with a bit of further testing and adjusting I could get much better results but for a first draft it’s not too shabby.