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1.7f Lets get more creative! #POTD #4000thPost

By 16 Jun ’11February 12th, 2013No Comments

Photo Of The Day has been going on for over a year now but the last 3/4 months I lost the discipline which has not helped.

The idea behind it was to be creative and force myself to be creative by taking a photo each day which it did do for the most part but I think I just became lazy.

I want to think about how to push this again for the next 6 months. Up until now the majority of the photos were shot on my HTC Desire and this was down to convinience. I can span a photo, adjust it how I want and then upload on the spot.

My wish is to make more use my GF1 and the gorgeous Pentax lens I have which my epic brother bought for me a while back. This is a little difficult as it would mean thinking more proactivley but it’s not beyond me. Would be interested in any Opinions/Tips/Ideas you may have.

Sadly this is not a new idea  – I thought this up here and did nowt about it!


Author Mark

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