Just realized how many internet services I use in a day and how interconnected I am in the digital world. So far today I have used over 10 different services:
- WordPress
- youtube
- polldaddy
- hootsuite
- gmail
- flickr
- tumblr
- Grooveshark
- Skype
How many services do you use each day?

Currently installing XP in Virtual Box on my Mac!
I know, I should feel ashamed for installing any windows products on a Mac but I need to setup the virtual machine for website testing.
So far I’m quite impressed with VirtualBox but I’ll write up something more substantial when its successful.
Just feels so weird seeing an XP symbol on my Mac.
Been working on a few things today but one of the items is a social-stream consisting of content from different sources being pulled in to a wall and displayed chronologically in a masonry style layout which is filterable and branded as per the clients needs.
Expect a post on the work portfolio when it’s launched.
It’s really really busy at the moment which is great! It’s a little manic but then it’s that time fo year where all the New Year requests are getting close to delivery time. Here’s a flavour:
- 5 WordPress website projects,
- 3 digital on-line coding jobs
- 2 small film based pieces
- and one large film project about to start.
Its awesome! Stay tuned for results!
What a glorious morning.
Off to a day of personal development doing the Growing Leaders Course.
But first, to a certain high street eatery for some sausagy muffiny goodness