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Bendy Phone #POTD

By 17 Apr ’13August 20th, 2013No Comments

DeadPhoneYesterday evening I was setting out to head down to Sydenham for the first night of an Alpha course that a friend is doing. I gave myself plenty of time to get there and had the route planned and plotted in my phone via Google Maps navigation.

It was a beautiful evening, I had the radio playing some music and the windows down.


On my first left hand turn this gloriousness was to be short-lived when my phone decided that it wasn’t quite comfortable in the cradle and decided to launch itself out of the previously mentioned open window. It then skated across this quiet residential street only to be met by some very uncharacteristic traffic for the street in the form of a van and two cars.

The above is what was left of it.

What have I learnt?

This has left me feeling incredibly silly even if it was a freak turn of events but in future it makes me want to advise others what I have learnt:

  1. Always Always Always check your phone is sitting snuggly in its cradle
  2. Good idea to keep your phone plugged in so the charger acts as an anchor.
  3. Keep the cradle below the car’s widow line of the car if possible

EDIT – I have got phone insurance so a replacement will be sent to me in next few days!


Author Mark

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