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We are a GO on babies!

By 4 Apr ’144 Comments

BothBabies-11-Week-ScanAND IT’S TWINS!

After a VERY long, painful, emotional and arduous journey Ruth and I are so happy to let the world know that in October, two tiny shiny new Robinson’s will be making their debut.

This past Wednesday we went in to Queen Charlottes for Ruth’s 11 week scan and we were both able to breathe out the biggest sigh of relief as we saw and heard our babies. Both twins are doing really well with healthy heartbeats and they’re both the right height although one is a little bit shorter (Ruth said that one is taking after me).

The scan was such an amazing experience and was in such contrast to the last time. We were both very anxious when we went in but after the sonographer put the gel on Ruth’s belly and started spreading it around I was immediately able to see a significant difference.

There was something there! There were two chambers and they both had something in them! My jaw dropped to the floor and didn’t leave till the end. A little bit of manoeuvring resulted in seeing one of out babies heartbeats and the lump in my throat grew. Then we saw the other heartbeat. We saw their little bodies and limbs and we even saw them wriggling about and while my eyes welled up, Ruth gave in to relief and pure joy came in tears.

That was a good day and the sound of their heartbeats was the best thing I have ever heard.

We are so grateful and I will repeat as I have said before that: God is good! These babies are a gift. A very expensive one but a gift none-the-less. These guys come out of our second round of treatment. We had a failed attempt during the summer which had us stumped but we persevered and here we are. I firmly believe that every life is God’s to give and every one is a miracle – in fact we know every life is a miracle as we’ve lived this.

Over the past few months we’ve also learnt that morning sickness has a crap name. Ruth has been suffering lots with feeling under-par for the best part of the last two month although we have found this to be a really encouraging sign.

Now we have the task of parenting ahead of us and we can’t wait.

We wanna thank you for your prayers and ask you to continue praying for our new family!


Author Mark

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Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Michelle-Mother-Of-Twins says:

    So many tears & so much joy (ok, & rather a lot of screaming & dancing about, too!) upon reading this! Oh, you are both joining one of the most amazing ‘clubs’ that exist: the Parents-of-Twins one. It is SUCH a ride – hard at times, yes, but the up-side of that is there’s ABSOLUTELY no question as to where your strength comes from! And HE PROVIDES again, and again, and again… 10 years in, & we still get lumps in our throats at the preciousness and amazingness of our girls. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! – We’ll start bombarding you with a decades’ worth of twin information & advice now!!! (grin!) SO much love!

  • thalie says:

    Congratulations to the four of you ! I’m so happy to see God’s promise fulfilled ! Lots of love !

  • Kaye says:

    Absolutely thrilled for you both, truly wonderful news xxx

  • Eric Dye says:

    This makes my heart smile.


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