Previous Post"O" and "A" enjoying a bit of @chaseandstatus on the @r1breakfast show this morning #twinsofinstagram #twins #BabyMoshPit #AllAboutTheBass #DancingBaby #Dancingtwins #POTD
Next PostMy favourite #Banksy piece is "Ballon Girl", specifically the instance that appeared on the Southbank in 2002 which also had the phrase "There is always hope". The full image depicts a little girl reaching to the sky after her balloon which has escaped her grasp. On it's own, the image feels utterly hopeless but this version with the phrase transforms it. I don't know if it was the artist himself who added the phrase or whether someone else added it later but this transformation is what makes it my favourite. It's why we have a vinyl of it on our living room wall. This simple statement changes everything about the girl and the balloon and speaks of a simple but important truth that everyone needs to hear.THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE!This #EasterSunday I celebrate that truth. I believe that truth exists because of what Jesus did.#HappyEaster