#Shankhill beach was looking glorious despite the poor deceased #BeachedWhale. #MinkWhale (bottom left) Went to go see the poor chap and he’s not on good shape. The other close up photos were a bit too graphic. Felt sad for the whale and couldn’t help but wonder are these uncharacteristic storms in Dublin a product of #ClimateChange? #RadRobinsonSummerHolidays #POTD
Previous PostMy Dad's guitar next to my guitar. #love #family #Yamaha #YamahaAC1R #yamahaguitar#yamahaguitars #LikeFatherLikeSon #RadRobinsonSummerHolidays #OldVsNew #vintage
Next Post#Shankhill beach was looking glorious despite the poor deceased #BeachedWhale. #MinkWhale (bottom left)Went to go see the poor chap and he's not on good shape. The other close up photos were a bit too graphic.Felt sad for the whale and couldn't help but wonder are these uncharacteristic storms in Dublin a product of #ClimateChange?#RadRobinsonSummerHolidays