#Glendalough is one of our favourite places to visit each time we come to #ireland. When we had lost a baby through #miscarriage it was this place where we felt our hope return. Probably down to the fact that people have been praying here for hundreds and hundreds of years. This year we return with another miscarriage etched and aching in our hearts but with more love, hope, joy and proof that He never forgets us all in the form of two little humans. #radrobinsonsummerholidays #POTD
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Next Post#Glendalough is one of our favourite places to visit each time we come to #ireland. When we had lost a baby through #miscarriage it was this place where we felt our hope return. Probably down to the fact that people have been praying here for hundreds and hundreds of years. This year we return with another miscarriage etched and aching in our hearts but with more love, hope, joy and proof that He never forgets us all in the form of two little humans. #radrobinsonsummerholidays