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The Lower Lake at #Glendalough yesterday afternoon through the mist and rain.We had a good time but honestly, the serenity and peace was horribly spoilt by the sound of machine gun fire. Of all the places the army could use for practice/drills, why this particular valley known for its tranquility? What utter morons think that this is still a good idea to do??? It's the Wicklow mountains, there are thousands of OTHER acres and valleys and mountains they could use instead. #MindBoggled #Pacifist #99PercentPacifist#radrobinsonsummerholidays

By 21 Aug ’19No Comments

The Lower Lake at #Glendalough yesterday afternoon through the mist and rain.We had a good time but honestly, the serenity and peace was horribly spoilt by the sound of machine gun fire. Of all the places the army could use for practice/drills, why this particular valley known for its tranquility? What utter morons think that this is still a good idea to do??? It's the Wicklow mountains, there are thousands of OTHER acres and valleys and mountains they could use instead. #MindBoggled #Pacifist #99PercentPacifist#radrobinsonsummerholidays
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Author Mark

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