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After a 12 years and a sustained period of riding less and nurturing a "DadBod" my @dmrbikes 24" ##DMRMotoRt tyres have finally started to fall apart…. Literally. Still plenty of tread on the tyre itself and was surprised to see that it's the sidewall that's failing with one finger sized hole visible and responsible for a puncture and a whole load of smaller holes developing along the inner seams.Farewell trusted friends. The memories will stay with me forever…New life goal: get fit before moving to Bristol! #RideHard #MountainBiker #MountainBiking #DirtJumper #DirtJumping #Shred #DirtShedShow

By 1 Oct ’19August 23rd, 2020No Comments

After a 12 years and a sustained period of riding less and nurturing a "DadBod" my @dmrbikes 24" ##DMRMotoRt tyres have finally started to fall apart.... Literally. Still plenty of tread on the tyre itself and was surprised to see that it's the sidewall that's failing with one finger sized hole visible and responsible for a puncture and a whole load of smaller holes developing along the inner seams.Farewell trusted friends. The memories will stay with me forever...New life goal: get fit before moving to Bristol! #RideHard #MountainBiker #MountainBiking #DirtJumper #DirtJumping #Shred #DirtShedShow
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