Celebrating 100 years of life with Simon and Miriam Stobart along with Tommy Jordan.

I’ve got a few friends out in Christchurch, New Zealand and we have been praying for them and everyone affected by the earthquake. Today on one of our friend’s blog was this image:
This was taken moments after the Earthquake.
There are two sets of friends out there, A good Mate Nathan who lost his father last weekend to Cancer and The Matthews (who’s blog I took the image from). They have been great keeping us informed of what has been going on out there bit it has been greatly overshadowed by The Gadafi Regime in Libya.
I wanted to bring some light to the situation there and so here are some quotes from their emails:
From Nathan
My family are all ok after the quake. I was at home. Had I been in the central city like I was the day before returning Dads stuff to the hospital I would have been right in the city where the destruction and loss of life is at it’s worst…. We rushed across the road to the school where my sisters kids were and they were all covered in dust from the hillside coming down behind the school but ok. We then stayed on the feild in front of the school with them and heard terrible news on the radio from in town and tried to keep the kids calm as they worried about their parents who worked in town.
My Dads funeral has had to be postponed because of the quake here. We are now planning a private cremation today and then a memorial service just b4 I go back. People just have to much to do here at the moment and with people still trapped we have to focus on the living.
I’m amazed at Nathan’s final comment. Despite what his own family is going through they are still wanting to focus on helping others.
From the Matthews via Alex:
Please continue to pray for the many trapped and injured people and the bereaved families.
Firstly they (my family) have no electricity or hot water. They have had another very uncomfortable night with tremors every half hour. Their house is severely damaged and they need to move out of it untill they have had it assessed as to it being liveable. They are moving today to a place in Rangiora a small place just outside Christchurch.
In regards to their house they have a hole in their roof and the chimney has collapsed. A support structure on the end of their house has snapped and one section is sinking. In their garden there is a lot of ‘silt’ (geologists may know what that is) and springs bubbling and is in a flooded condition. This is typical of many residents in Christchurch.
It’s a really messed up situation out there so PLEASE PRAY.
Even if you don’t believe in God, seeing as you can’t prove it, it’s worth 2 mins to pray for them.
Hard to believe this was a year ago!!!
[vimeo]http://vimeo.com/8172884[/vimeo]We had a great time at The Tsang’s making Dimsum on Sat afternoon. It was great with us all cooking and preparing lots of different food stuffs. The calamari was probably the most challenging so well done to The Carolyn and Mr Tsang.
The great things was that it all tasted really good. I was afraid i wouldn’t like any of it but it was all very good indeed.
Good food & Good company – what more does one need?
Oh yeah – Jesus, Of course!
Huge Happy Birthdays to quite a few people i know today. Today is a big celebratory day in fact!
Nick Byatt
James Pearce
Ashley Saunders
Matt Booth
Caz Dunk
Hope you all have a really
We had a great weekend this week. On Sat afternoon we went and hung out with T and Andy and we had a brilliant time. They were so very very good at holding back their big announcment and while Ruth and I had guessed that they had gotten engaged we did well not to ask!
We went for a laid back walk down by the river and then had an amazing meal in the eve followed by some sort of lads v girls game which obviously Andy and I won.
Super chilled super cool!
Wifey spent some time with Jo & Elizabeth y’day and they baked. Mr. Myagi was not present but judging by the results his cooking nemesis must have been involved.
- Friends keep us grounded
- Friends challenge us
- Friends bring us good times
- Friends are there when we’re down
- Friends help in difficult times
- Friends grant us favors
- Friends make us feel loved
Over the years i have made some very good friends. There are alot of people out there that i have a lot of love for. If you are reading this and consider yourself a friend of mine then this means you. I’ve had so many great experiences that i have shared with so many people. Those people have been a major part of crafting me in to the person I am today.
Thank you Jesus for my Friends
During the season of Advent i wanted to try and be thankful for as much as i can on a daily basis so I’m gonna try and be thankful for at least one thing a day
Nieces & Nephews
The above picture is one of my many nieces. This is Leah. She is one of the cutest little babies i think i have ever seen. My sisters have developed a habit of producing these really cute kiddies. I love all of my lil nieces and nephews – there are quite a few of them and they are all really amazing little guys.
I love when we have times with the family and we get to see my siblings and all the kids. It’s amazing seeing them all grow up so fast. It really makes me think about when Ruth and I start our own family. Some big thoughts engulf me at that stage but in an inspiring way.
Then i have to go to the others= side and include the Nieces i have inherited through Ruth. Those girls are great. Been so great getting to know them and seeing them turn in to two beautiful women.
Being an Uncle ROCKS!!!!
Thank you Jesus for my Nieces and Nephews.
During the season of Advent i wanted to try and be thankful for as much as i can on a daily basis so I’m gonna try and be thankful for at least one thing a day
Years ago i created this lil character and i cant believe i’ve never re-created him as a vector piece.
So here is HERMIE:

Woo Yay, Bob is back!!! Bob got back from Brazil on friday and has partially moved in. He’d gone to edinburger to sort a few things and then will move in proper on Thurs. – New boy Rob also moved in on sat. I’ve sent out an email; about the party we having on the 10th of Sept so anyone who aint got it email me and I’ll sort it.
Went and met Veronika and James for a few down in teddington on Sunday. – Marvellous.

My moped broke down AGAIN this morning. I cant bloody believe it At this point I really aint impressed!!!
Had it not been for James Lightning Speed, Mighty Strength and…………… his van, I would not have gotten my Ped home today! Thank you Mr. Pearce – WWW.KRAFTYSPAGE.CO.UK
Been a wee bit busy this week and have decided that I really wanna become a llama farmer!
Right so a couple of weeks ago I had been racking my brains about what to get Bob for his birthday. I couldn’t get him a DVD, or a book or porn as he has pretty much every title of each so I decided why not sort him with a website – He has just started his blog so lets hit him with it!
I still have to set up the back end of it but its a start and he likes it!!