I’d like to introduce you to my daughter and my son.
On the right we have Oisín (pronounced Usheen) Mark who was born at 10:50 am weighing 6lb 12oz.
His beautiful little sister followed quickly. Aoibheanna (pronounced Eveanna) Lesley weighing 4lbs 12oz came in the same style by C-Section.
Ruth was amazing! The birth was amazing.
I am dazed at having my breath taken away at such beautiful little humans.
God is GOOD!
I love my wife!
I also love Silver Strand!
I also really love my Family.
Put them all together and you’ve got the ingredients for an amazing day and this day was exactly that.
We’re in Ireland for Dad’s retirement party which is tomorrow. Dad had the genius idea for us all to pile in to the two cars and head down to their caravan in Silver Strand for lunch so we did just that. It was the first time in about 22 Years that the whole family was down there together and it was really wonderful to all be there.
We ate our fill and then went down to the beach where we were going to run it off but we actually ran it off with some healthy family competition. – The best most good-looking person obviously won…..yeah it was me!
Tom took the photo of Ruth and I and I love it.
My wife is lookin HOT! Woop Woop!
This day 5 years ago was a day that changed everything.
This exact time 5 years ago I was feeling a bit nervous. I was a little excited. I had butterflies. I was thinking about my first date with Ruth that was going to take place later that eve in Acton.
I could never have imagined that she would become my wife at that moment. It has been an amazing privilege to discover that she is the most amazing woman I have ever known. She is warm, kind, so wise, beautiful sexy and the worlds greatest snuggler.
I am so proud to be her husband.
I am so happy that she has been an exclusive part of my life for the past 5 years.
So y’day was our 3rd anniversary and while i wished my wife loving wishes on FB I didn’t really do much here on the site so I thought `I’d make it by taking a screen grab of her profile which captured my über clever awesomeness on her behalf.
It has been a bit busy with having started an Alpha course, all things 216, and not living in our flat so them’s be my excuses.
If you want more of a reflection of my love for her check out the 50 Reasons and the Poetry Too stuff from last year as it’s all still relevant.
She is an awesome woman and I love her more than chips.

This year we spent Christmas with Shirley & David.Thankfully the roads had cleared and we were able to drive down to Devon to spend it with them.
Christmas eve was lovely. Because of all the snow David was able to take us for a walk down on Saunton Golf Course which is whee he usually plays. Normally non-members are not allowed especially jean cladded ones. The snow mean that play was prohibited and rules of the club dictate that members are allowed to bring guests on to the course for walks in the snow and that’s what we did. It was gorgeous!
See the gallery below:

I love my Brother – Tom Robinson is awesome.
My post last year holds the best sentiment (and i’m about to go and leave for our holiday)
Ruth and I had a lovely day out in Henley on the Bank Holiday Monday. We went down to Henley. It was weird being there without Mom & Dad and not calling in on the Swiss Farm Camp Site. We realised that it was the previous years bank holiday when we were down there and Dad and i were dismantling the wooden floor under the awning of the caravan. There have been many great memories made in that place.
We wandered around the town looking for somewhere nice to have lunch. After failing to get my Mom on the phone to ask her advice we settled on Pizza Express and then went for a walk down the river which was super chilled and super lovely. Ruth commented that that walk has always been a place where we have always spent our “imaginary money” in our heads. It’s always fun to do that and always easy when you see all the nice boats.
During all this we witnessed a bit of a boat crash. Some inexperienced leisure boaters got impatient leaving the one of the locks and bumped in to the people in front of them who just happened to be in one of those uber expensive speed boats. – you know those ones made of wood and not fibre glass. It was the boating equivalent of an Austin Metro rear-ending a Lamborghini.
We walked on and later found the two boats in question pulling up to the side. We offered to give my details in case they needed a witness statement at which they were very grateful. After this we moved on and came home to a nicer super chilled eve.
A lovely day out!
Easter Sunday today – WOW!
Today is the reason there is HOPE,
Today is the reason we are FREE,
Today is the reason we know what LOVE is,
Today is the reason to BE.
Today is the reason to Celebrate that JESUS is ALIVE.
A friend of my wife has a fiance who writes her lots of lovely poetry. My wife saw this and thought it would be really lovely that i might do the same for her. I guess she the 50 Reasons series was not quite enough. I’m working on an idea for another series called “Which part of my body shall i cut off today to show my love for my wife” – it’s a bit of a logistical nightmare. In the mean time, have this new series of my own poetry for Ruth.
Ruth used to be Miss Walley,
she makes me laugh – hee hee,
but sometimes this is a worry,
because it makes me – need to pee.
you do not live in a bin.
You are my true love,
You don’t remind me of my bruv.
I love my Ruru,
She gave me the flu.
Ruth Robinson,
she doesn’t like to run.
Ruth Robinson is my sexy wife
Her wit is as sharp as a knife.
I think my wife is very hot,
especially when she cooks things in a pot.
Wifey is an amazing lady
Mugabe is a little crazy.
If i were more in love,
Rurin would not be a glove.
I think Ruth is top,
when she dances,
She can go POP!
Wives are sexy
mine is (averagely) flexi!
My Wife loves the colour purple,
oh crap nothing rhymes with that,
or so she says, i think there is a word: turtle – purple turtle!
Mrs. Robinson is a Fox,
she likes wearing odd socks.
I like to thing of her so,
cause she seems to make me plateau!
There was a young girl called Ruth Walley,
And boy did she get me in a folly,
I asked her to wed,
it went to her head,
and now she is not in a trolley.
My wife Ruth is the bomb,
She has completely split my atom(s)!
I didn’t mean for this to sound perverse at all but sadly its a “non-perverse-fail”
Rurinakins is my best mate,
She’s really sweet and never late,
She’s a really REALLY hot date,
I love her anyway at any rate.
makes me;
My wife is the bestest,
I think she is the sexiest,
She is the most wonderfullest,
I think she is the greatestestestest.
I quite like Ruth Robinson
She makes me want to run
she does not fly
she does sometime cry
this is actually quite random