I started my first ever blog post with the title “Welcome to ma website Yo!!” It seems fitting to mark the tenth anniversary of my blogging life.
While most of the older posts make me want to shove my fist in my mouth as I appreciate how much of a dork I used to be. All the past relationships, the manic rants, the forlorn prose all point towards the simple success of this blog and what I started it for.
This blog was never going to be something I wanted to be successful in the sense of numbers of visits (although secretly I celebrated every hit with triumphant bliss). The main function was to (b)log my life so that I would be able to look back and see where/how-far I’ve come.
It does that pretty well and I enjoy being able to look back.
Seeing as this is the tenth year I thought I’d go with the cliché of listing a ten:
Ten most popular posts (it depresses me that a Facebook related post is at the top):
And here be some basic stats about the site:
- has had over 67k views
- has had 1890+ posts
- has had 1800+ images uploaded
- has had 350+ comments