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We are a GO on babies!

By Family, WooYaa 4 Comments

BothBabies-11-Week-ScanAND IT’S TWINS!

After a VERY long, painful, emotional and arduous journey Ruth and I are so happy to let the world know that in October, two tiny shiny new Robinson’s will be making their debut.

This past Wednesday we went in to Queen Charlottes for Ruth’s 11 week scan and we were both able to breathe out the biggest sigh of relief as we saw and heard our babies. Both twins are doing really well with healthy heartbeats and they’re both the right height although one is a little bit shorter (Ruth said that one is taking after me).

The scan was such an amazing experience and was in such contrast to the last time. We were both very anxious when we went in but after the sonographer put the gel on Ruth’s belly and started spreading it around I was immediately able to see a significant difference.

There was something there! There were two chambers and they both had something in them! My jaw dropped to the floor and didn’t leave till the end. A little bit of manoeuvring resulted in seeing one of out babies heartbeats and the lump in my throat grew. Then we saw the other heartbeat. We saw their little bodies and limbs and we even saw them wriggling about and while my eyes welled up, Ruth gave in to relief and pure joy came in tears.

That was a good day and the sound of their heartbeats was the best thing I have ever heard.

We are so grateful and I will repeat as I have said before that: God is good! These babies are a gift. A very expensive one but a gift none-the-less. These guys come out of our second round of treatment. We had a failed attempt during the summer which had us stumped but we persevered and here we are. I firmly believe that every life is God’s to give and every one is a miracle – in fact we know every life is a miracle as we’ve lived this.

Over the past few months we’ve also learnt that morning sickness has a crap name. Ruth has been suffering lots with feeling under-par for the best part of the last two month although we have found this to be a really encouraging sign.

Now we have the task of parenting ahead of us and we can’t wait.

We wanna thank you for your prayers and ask you to continue praying for our new family!

101 Jobs Give away

By WooYaa, Work One Comment


Work has gone quite well since beginning back in August 2011. We’re still not earning huge amounts but its been growing steadily. This has been massively encouraging and I’ve loved every minute of it…..except the minutes that were really stressful!

I operate a job numbering system to help me keep track of invoices, estimates and jobs. We are fast approaching job number 100. This represents a great success for me and to celebrate this I decided to have a celebratory give-away! Why 101? 101 is 1 more than 100 and it looks better.

As more work comes in, the project that lands on job number 101 will get £101 pounds off the final invoice of the project.*

So spread the word that is moving upwards and onwards and let people know that I’m keen to help with their digital projects!

*This offer can only be applied to jobs that consist of 4 days of work or more. I, as Mark Robinson Digital Creative, make all and final decisions on how and who the offer is given to. The winner of the give-away will be announced on the website.

Happy Birthday WordPress

By WooYaa, WordPress, Work No Comments

Screen Shot 2013-05-27 at 22.26.29It’s the tenth WordPress of the awesome and brilliant WordPress platform.

WordPress has been a key tool for me over the past few years and has become an essential tool in my a**enal. I use it for both personal and professional clients and it has been the platform on which this site has been based since 2007.

I am so grateful for the amazing software and the fact that it is totally free and open-source.

Have some photos of our ride this afternoon ion Richmond park to celebrate – this stuff is the reason I started blogging in the first place:

9 Years Old!

By Blog, Profound, WooYaa No Comments


Today is the 9th birthday of this blog which is quite unbelievable for me. I started this blog with the intent of having an archive to look back on and it has been doing exactly that much to the cost of my pride. It’s been very humbling to look back on some posts where i was very clearly exuding youthful arrogance.

It’s really great to see how far I’ve come….

Some stats for you:

In the last 9 years this site:

  • has had over 60k views
  • has had 1800+ posts
  • has had 1700+ images uploaded
  • has had 300+ comments

The most popular post on this site was and is: Faith Loss & Due Dates.

 And here’s some old links:

Pimp my Narrow Boat

By Photos, Via Phone, WooYaa No Comments

So After the rush of dealing with a client today we all left the office to help Hilary move her boat up the canal and it was bliss!

This is what i dream about

By Rides, WooYaa No Comments

I can’t wait to get my bike sorted. Seeing as i will be commuting and there are the jumps across the river at Teddington Lock I envisage me relearning how to get big air again:

Being Creative with Photo of the Day

By Photos, WooYaa No Comments

So I’ve been doing Photo Of The Day now since the 30th of March and i’ve only missed out on a few dates. These misses have mostly been down to not being able to actually connect to the interwebs. I’m quite happy with this project actually.

The point of it has been to force myself to be creative each day in a small way. Even though most days i am being creative with my job its good to push myself in this area too cause i’ve found it to be sometimes really difficult.

My POTD alert goes off at 1:45pm every day. As you can imagine, on most occasions i am at my desk at the same time either thinking about, consuming or remembering lunch. The crunch point is that it is starting to be difficult to think of how to take a unique photo of my surroundings when they are always the same.

Yes I could go outside but that defeats the purpose a little bit. I pushing my creativity here and so i want to push myself to be creative about a subject that is so familiar to me that its hard to see it in a different light. I don’t want the result to be that i have hundreds of photos of my desk but i would like to see quite a few photos of similar things done very differently.

I think i’ll have to start tagging my fav pics too.


By Friends, WooYaa No Comments

We had a great weekend this week. On Sat afternoon we went and hung out with T and Andy and we had a brilliant time. They were so very very good at holding back their big announcment and while Ruth and I had guessed that they had gotten engaged we did well not to ask!

We went for a laid back walk down by the river and then had an amazing meal in the eve followed by some sort of lads v girls game which obviously Andy and I won.

Super chilled super cool!