These are just funny. – I bought a biker balaclava for the moped during winter:
Why is it that when you stroke someone’s ego it can be a very bad thing and it is not reciprocated??? James’ nickname for me is : Jockey because – I am short and Irish – like most horse jockeys! – This is the latest Jockey picture:
That’s right have your laugh at my expense – Actually I think its funny as hell!
On a bad note: The bike shop rang – £360 for an engine re-bore and re-build! ouch. – I guess little Timmy wont be getting a present this Christmas.
Graced Mr. Pearce with my presence down by Teddington Lock this afternoon. Bought some DVD’s off him and drank a pint. I neglected to go have a look at the jumps on the other side of the river – Jumps scare me – I have completely forgotten how!!! – Depressing.
I need to learn how again – That was always the best bit!!!
I have updated the eBay dispute article. – The guy is unreal!
Also Updated Blog archive system / navigation at bottom of page.
My moped broke down AGAIN this morning. I cant bloody believe it At this point I really aint impressed!!!
Had it not been for James Lightning Speed, Mighty Strength and…………… his van, I would not have gotten my Ped home today! Thank you Mr. Pearce – WWW.KRAFTYSPAGE.CO.UK
Been a wee bit busy this week and have decided that I really wanna become a llama farmer!
My sister rang me and asked me to be her new daughter Lucy’s Godfather!! – Me a godfather – It’s true – Proof is below!!
Met Bob and Alison for a drink after work. – Bob did the great thing and booked a night bus back to Edinburger so he shall be debating the finer topics of Burberry patterns with the chav massive who have taken over the National Express Bus route. Anyway Me and Ali & met him for a send off Pint – or 3.
A Belated Happy Halloween to you all!!!!
This is me at 5am this morning. Just dropped Bob back home after a good night out at fireworks and Nandos’ with himself – Do i look like crap or what????!!!! – Excellent!!!
I went for a brief ride this afternoon – mostly roads – got bored – came home!
I developed a really bad headache this afternoon so I decided to go for a ride. It did the job! When I got back I got s**tloads do. Its amazing how an hour in the outdoors can really make your head work better. Ride reports and Galleries will appear inder the bikes section to the right!
I’m thinking I really need to win the lottery! The first thing I’d do is deposit a large sum in Sandra & Peter’s (my sis & her hubbie) account, call them and tell em to check the balance. With 4 kids it must be a struggle – then I’d go buy me a Porsche!!!
FINALLY I rode my bike home from the office yesterday!! So Riding proper commences this week! It is a pity that A) London is s**t for ride spots and B) I don’t own a car.
Why is it that when you really do desire or even need something it seems out of you grasp? – Its a cruel cruel world.
It is not good when faced with what I am faced with now! I am mixing some recordings we did in the office last week and on the high pass there is a nasty hiss (electrical interference me thinks) and on the low pass there is an alternating hum (the office upstairs and their noisy computers) – Duh how am I supposed to deal with these? And the recordings are kids!!
Right so a couple of weeks ago I had been racking my brains about what to get Bob for his birthday. I couldn’t get him a DVD, or a book or porn as he has pretty much every title of each so I decided why not sort him with a website – He has just started his blog so lets hit him with it!
I still have to set up the back end of it but its a start and he likes it!!
It’s amazing how quick it is to dismantle a bike and yet it takes hours to build one up. Tomorrow I should (hopefully, please god please!!!) get my B17 frame so will have to build that one up which will be hard seeing as I need a hell of a lot of parts! For now though the Saracen is dead and will soon be appearing on EBay.
Damn – It’s 5:45am!!! I’ve been tryin to sort the frames on this page! Ok as sinful as it is I have been using FrontPage to write and edit this site so it may be the prob! Trying to keep the frames static but no matter how much I play with it they all wanna resize themselves. Any of you web people got a solution? – I am turning into a geek!
I tried fitting this heat sink and it proved futile. Then after speaking to Dim I realized I forgot the paste! It’s far better performance then my current one but the other one is blue!!!! Might put in a poll vote for it!!Anyway – about to go round see my bro
Got into work this morning and realised that I didn’t freeze my a**e off during the drive in then when i took my lid off I also realised that there was a definitive smell of spring in the air…oooh longer days and warmer weather are coming!
The main thing is that my lovely frame was not waiting for me. What was waiting for me was an e-mail saying- “whats ur address again?” This worries me as its the 3rd time I’ve given it to him. He said he’ll send it off tomorrow.
It’s taken me a while to get it up here but I got it there in the end. Dave thank you for your help U are a star! Look at the flash section as I put summat up there for you. Go On visit dave