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By Family, Photos No Comments

We did it! They did it!

Is been an amazing but long day and we are proud but happy parents.

Here’s to the next year of scooting, chatting, toddling, walking, running, singing, playing, jumping, cuddling, eating and all the other lovely stuff that families do…

As usual you can see the rest of the series here:


18 Months

By Family, Photos No Comments

We stopped the monthly shots at 12 months but said we’d do one at 18 and then annually.

Each time we hit these milestones I honestly feel like a bit of a rock-star! Ruth and I are  pretty amazing seeing as we’ve not killed either of the twins.

As usual so thankful to God for the gift that they were to us and to everyone who has been involved in their little live so far!

Today they get to meet their Glasgow cousins for the very first time!!! This is incredibly exciting!

As usual you can see the rest of the series here:


12 Months

By Family, Photos No Comments

Today feels like the most significant birthday I’ve ever celebrated for someone. It feels quite selfish to say so because it’s my babies’ and not some other significant others. Having not been too fond of my own birthdays over many years to find myself feeling so exciting for this one seems unreal. Last year my birthday was a week after the babies were born but I was so tired, so emotional and so much in shock that the days blazed by and I have no memory of it at all so today is different.

Today our babies turn one!

I cannot believe we made it – there were times that it didn’t seem possible. It didn’t seem like we would ever make it but we did.

We made it because of you!

Thank you to our firends who helped us when we needed it, advised us when we asked and sympathised when we cried. The support you gave us on this journey got us through. Thank you for loving our babies.

Thank you to our families who love them in that way that only family can. We have loved your support, prayers and praise.

Thank you to my wife – Ruth – You are an EPIC ÜBER ROCKSTAR of a woman. I cannot even begin to name the ways you have amazed, wowed and impressed me over this past year. Your resilience is mind-blowing, your wisdom is endless, your patience is vast and your beauty is unfathomable.

Thank you God – without you, their miracle of life would have never been. Thank you for the gift that hey are.

Thank you!

9 Months

By Family, Photos No Comments

IMG_20150702_145018sEveryday when I get up, I go downstairs and Ruth and I have to figure out whose turn it is to go in to the babies bedroom first.

You see when we do this, they have usually been awake for a little while and when we open that door, whoever goes first gets to see their little heads popping up to see us. That person also gets to see the first big grins, hear the giggles of excitement that we are there and also see the inevitable face-planting where their sleep suits don’t quite give enough grip to let them hold themselves up.

Today my babies are 9 months old. I remember the first few weeks when getting beyond the end of the week seemed like an impossible mission but we got through it and when I look back, it’s been amazing.

I thank our family, our OakTree family and all our friends for the epic levels of support they all gave us and continue to give.

I thank my son Oisín for the delight he brings me on a daily basis through his smiles, enthusiasm for everything, crawling prowess, hilarious mood swings and his general rough and tumble demeanour.

I thank my daughter Aoibheanna for her ridiculous levels of cuteness, toothy grin, chilled out vibes and the way she lights up when I walk in to the room.

I thank my wife Ruth for her strength, wisdom, resilience, perseverance and love.

I thank Jesus for all that I have and without whom, nothing would be.