Previous PostJust gave our little man a #haircut. Tried with clippers to begin with but resorted to scissors when he wasn't too keen because I kept disrupting his view of #PeppaPig. And even though he looks thoroughly unimpressed about it in this photo, he's looking sharp and gorgeous. #LoveMyBoy #DadLife #DIYHaircut #ToddlersOfInstagram #Toddlergram #DidntCutMyselfOnce #POTD
Next PostO and A simply enjoying being #siblings while we eat an overly priced lunch at the motorway services. The 2 hour nap they should have then had was about 10mins each. We got to our destination and realised we'd left half our food in the icebox at home in the kitchen. Thankfully they settled down for Bed reasonably well. In other news my Oneplus One is dying. The screen is totally knackered and keeps taking over. (so many random self dials causing awkward conversations) #twinsofinstagram #Twinstagram #BoyGirlTwins #travel #toddlergram #toddlersofinstagram#OPO #OnePlusOne#RoboXmas16