Just tidied up the DVD collection after my replacement #WestWing #boxset arrived. Cleared a few titles we wont watch again but am very happy with current selection… #starwars #AngelTVShow #lordoftherings #Hitchc**k #Lost #Firefly #IndianaJones #DieHard #DonnieDarko #POTD
Previous Post#TenYears ago today, here at @TheRocketActon, @rufus2612 and I had our first date. She's looking more beautiful then ever and I cannot believe how lucky I was that she said yes... #LuckyMan #Wifey #MarriedWithKids #MarriedWithTwins #TwinDad #Love #family #Thankyoutoday #ThankYouJesus #POTD
Next PostWhen your son offers you some of his manky #croissant.... Mmmm #appetising #cafezee @cafezeeuk