My little champion is fixated on a new word his mother taught him. He keeps earnestly saying: “Oh Crap!” #LittleBoys #Toddlergram #ToddlersOfInstagram #SwearingToddler #ParentingFail I’m terrified of repeating what sometimes comes out of my mouth! #MustDoBetter #dadlife @rufus2612 #POTD
Previous PostOur second official #CouchTo10k run this eve complete and already we're making progress albeit through gritted teeth. Got a great bunch of people although I only remembered the photo after Ron had left. #SorryRonStill suffering from searing pain in calves and my ankles were also tightening up too. This was followed up by pins and needless all over both feet. #EveryDayDiscipleship #NowForFood! #POTD