The run was going poorly. My legs were in pain and the #HailStones were falling down my back having gathered in my hood. Then I glanced up to see a rainbow. A second glance made me realise it was a little odd. It was odd because when I looked harder I realised it was only 20 feet away because of the hard hail. It was in front of the white car parked across the street from where I was running. Then this epic #DoubleRainbow appeared behind it but I was too slow getting the camera open to capture all three in the same shot. #TripleRainbow #Blessed #YouGotMyAttention #LuckyWeekend #POTD
Previous Post08March08 was the day I married my beloved. This is in prep for tomorrow! @rufus2612 #POTD
Next PostFollowing on from yesterday's #doubleyolk #LuckyLunch event, today we continue with 7 yolks from 4 eggs all still from the same pack. (We won't mention the one egg that failed)