Previous PostBeen given a lie-in (disturbed by a certain little girl who wouldn't stop planting kisses on the freckle on my forehead which was the most adorable act ever but may not have happened had @rufus2612 remembered to: A. Close the bedroom door and B. Close the stair gate at the bottom of our stairs. Said little person then went to report to said wife about said interaction and I was left in peace for a little while only to then experience the actual family wake-up call which included another bout of kisses and cuddles from "A" and then "O" offered the most perfectly executed tantrum when he decided he didn't want to like daddy at all let alone love him. After a few minutes of shifted focus he gave in to his instincts and came over and gave me a cute kiss and cuddle.) which was nice and then I came down stairs to see breakfast had been prepared (usually my job) and an envelope plus card was in my place. The image shows what was in said containers and I was informed that these were chosen by the #twins! I feel altogether chuffed and loved and adored.... Now to have an undisturbed bath... #HappyFathersDay to all the dads! #fathersday #dadlife #dadsofinstagram #daddysgirl #toddlersofinstagram #toddlergram #twoyearolds #twinsofinstagram #Twinstagram #BoyGirlTwins
Next PostMe and my boy! I flippin love this little lad! #dadsofinstagram #dadlife #MagnificentLittleMan