There just aint enough of them!!! I’m off to Manchester for 3 days on Tues and I need to get this corp video I’m working on done. Looks like i shall be relying on Tom to finish it off. Of course all this timing coincided with this weekend. This weekend was the when Davie came down from Edinburgh, Dara is over from Ireland and I was actually able to go out for once on a Friday night
So I met them in a pub in Soho where by this stage I had already drank a couple of bottles of Magners which got me a lil nicely relaxed. When I got there there was a pint waiting, this was followed by a few more than a trip to a chinese for some SAKE! From here we went onto the Metro club on Oxford street and drank copious amounts of silly cheap vodka. – Was a wicked night!!!
Woke up this morning feeling not too bad at all actually – it was 3 hours later when the hangover kicked in and I was working away too which brings me back to where I am now. Working! I’ve spent from 11am this morn till now (23:58) in front of this machine and i feel a bit poo! Tomorrow will hopefully get the last stages done!
Found this and it made me laugh: KUNG FU BABY