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March 2010

I Can Do Poetry Too – 20 of 20

By Family, Love No Comments

A friend of my wife has a fiance who writes her lots of lovely poetry. My wife saw this and thought it would be really lovely that i might do the same for her. I guess she the 50 Reasons series was not quite enough. I’m working on an idea for another series called “Which part of my body shall i cut off today to show my love for my wife” – it’s a bit of a logistical nightmare. In the mean time, have this new series of my own poetry for Ruth.

I quite like being married,

It sometimes feels like being carried.

Except for the fact,

that i made a pact,

with God to remain failthfully lovied.

I Can Do Poetry Too – 19 of 20

By Family, Love No Comments

A friend of my wife has a fiance who writes her lots of lovely poetry. My wife saw this and thought it would be really lovely that i might do the same for her. I guess she the 50 Reasons series was not quite enough. I’m working on an idea for another series called “Which part of my body shall i cut off today to show my love for my wife” – it’s a bit of a logistical nightmare. In the mean time, have this new series of my own poetry for Ruth.

I quite like Ruth Robinson

She makes me want to run

she does not fly

she does sometime cry

this is actually quite random

I Can Do Poetry Too – 18 of 20

By Family, Love No Comments

A friend of my wife has a fiance who writes her lots of lovely poetry. My wife saw this and thought it would be really lovely that i might do the same for her. I guess she the 50 Reasons series was not quite enough. I’m working on an idea for another series called “Which part of my body shall i cut off today to show my love for my wife” – it’s a bit of a logistical nightmare. In the mean time, have this new series of my own poetry for Ruth.

My wife is the bestest,

I think she is the sexiest,

She is the most wonderfullest,

I think she is the greatestestestest.

I Can Do Poetry Too – 17 of 20

By Family, Love No Comments

A friend of my wife has a fiance who writes her lots of lovely poetry. My wife saw this and thought it would be really lovely that i might do the same for her. I guess she the 50 Reasons series was not quite enough. I’m working on an idea for another series called “Which part of my body shall i cut off today to show my love for my wife” – it’s a bit of a logistical nightmare. In the mean time, have this new series of my own poetry for Ruth.

I originally forgot number seventeen.

it had nothing to do with a greenbean.

Ruth was that age once

something said in a famous Black Eyed Peas song….

I Can Do Poetry Too – 16 of 20

By Family, Love No Comments

A friend of my wife has a fiance who writes her lots of lovely poetry. My wife saw this and thought it would be really lovely that i might do the same for her. I guess she the 50 Reasons series was not quite enough. I’m working on an idea for another series called “Which part of my body shall i cut off today to show my love for my wife” – it’s a bit of a logistical nightmare. In the mean time, have this new series of my own poetry for Ruth.

Rurinakins is my best mate,

She’s really sweet and never late,

She’s a really REALLY hot date,

I love her anyway at any rate.

I Can Do Poetry Too – 15 of 20

By Family, Love No Comments

A friend of my wife has a fiance who writes her lots of lovely poetry. My wife saw this and thought it would be really lovely that i might do the same for her. I guess she the 50 Reasons series was not quite enough. I’m working on an idea for another series called “Which part of my body shall i cut off today to show my love for my wife” – it’s a bit of a logistical nightmare. In the mean time, have this new series of my own poetry for Ruth.

My wife Ruth is the bomb,

She has completely split my atom(s)!

I didn’t mean for this to sound perverse at all but sadly its a “non-perverse-fail”

What would Jesus do type scenario

By God No Comments

I just wrote a long comment on a dude’s website. This guy is very keen on exposing people who are not being good Christians and i find it so sad that his attitude is not more Christ like.

He wrote an article ripping Todd Bentley to shreds and i jumped on to it asking why he thought it was ok to tear someone apart so viciously and call himself a christian at the same time. It didn’t seem to add up in my mind.

You can read my most recent comment below:

Matthew 5:43-60 – 43″You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44But I tell you: Love your enemies[b] and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

This is what JESUS said directly! Which basically means that JESUS told us to love our enemy! If you’d rather do something else, is that an admition to wanting to go against what he has taught himself?

as I said before – i think it’s great that you want to stop heretics and want to pull people up on bad theology and bad biblical teaching. That is a really admirable thing to do and I ask God to Guide you and bless you in that mission.

However – to say you’d “rather continue to pray that God keep exposing demons like Bentley so that His children will know His truth” is basically, in part, saying that you think Jesus was wrong.

Is that what you are saying?

Was Jesus wrong?



just maybe…

the amazing, wonderful, epic nature of Jesus Christ, My king and saviour – YOUR KING and SAVIOUOR…

maybe he had a point.

Now I know you will say that the bible also tells us that we must show sinners for what they are, expose them and what not and as i said i agree!


and here it comes…

you cant pick and choose! You have to do both!

As a Christian, you are called to love those whom you hate otherwise you yourself are living in sin. The gospel teaches us that even if we hate a man in our hearts it is as good as murder in our record with God.

so again i challenge you dude! Keep up the great work at seeking to “speak the truth” as it’s a really amazing thing to do but remember who you are doing it for….

is it for God, or yourself?

I’ll be praying for you bro! God bless you and all your readers (and that includes those of you who are reading this and tutting – the same message applies to you too)

Peace Out – Spread his LOVE!

Random images…

By I Laughed One Comment

…that got a reaction from me: Enjoy:


By Arg, Driving No Comments

Maaaaaan this is getting tiresome! Can people please stop hitting vehicles we are responsible for!!!!

So I was driving down Chase Road, as i do every morning at about 8:35 and i was coming up on the junction of Sunbeam Road heading north. As I approached I saw a car attempting to pull out of Sunbeam road onto Chase road. As I approached the car was stationary. The driver of the car was looking north while she was pulling out and not south thus she did not see me approaching.  I had to swerve to avoid her but this was not enough and she hit the rear left wheel arch.

Photos of both cars:

Her car:

Our courtesy car:

The conversation was a little barbed as i was quite angry with her to be honest and she was also quite defensive. I felt bad about being quite agitated with her so I apologized for my reaction and behaviour. I guess it was just shock. It was an easy mistake to make and we are all only human after all.

I prayed for her later as i was driving on top work but I should count my blessings really that it wasn’t worse! Had she pulled out any quicker it could have been quite messy.